Wednesday, 6 June 2012


today was a long day...i'm feeling wiped out, but it's still the beginning of my internship so it's going to take a couple weeks until i'm in a sort of semi set schedule. i think i clonked out around 9:30 last night and got up a bit before 6 am. PA and i are on day 1 of training for this tri so we took road the bikes right out of our building towards rutland which was a bad decision b/c a) it was freezingggg and b) it was uphill. a highly amusing way to reintroduce yourself to biking. haha, so maybe not biking for a bit. one of the staff participants walks the golf course before it opens in the morning so i think i'll try running that tmrw.
today was bizarre weather all around (maybe it was from the venus sun thing yesterday, which we couldn't figure out how to watch here w/o blinding ourselves, so today show this morning was of course a great way to pretend we did). we on and off rain and rain w/ sunshine. but we did get this great shot of clouds just hovering over okemo mountain which was really cool. sometimes in really stormy weather the whole mountain is impossible to see. 
lake echo in plymouth is part of the view for one of our walks off "campus" (vermonting). we got back to the car right before the rain started (yay perfect timing). this area is also big during the fall for tourists ("peepers" not sure about the spelling) to come see the leaves. that's "peeper season" with buses and cars going 12 mph taking pictures of all the leaves. and seeing the number of trees around it would be pretty spectacular. our supervisor took PA and i on a trail by our place and boy does she walk fast! i feel so out of shape here, maybe more than i did at the fitness expo in february...time to do more running and strength training. 
today's lunch was serve yourself again and i always get so confused putting my own food on my plate so i try to follow the same layout we do for the plates that are made for us, but i still get a huge amount and get flustered. so feeling just like a participant on wednesdays. but it's nice and colorful:D 
ooooh, the snack today was the apple truffle again. man, that will probably never get old. dinner was also great today- tofu, roasted potatoes and all sorts of veggies (forgot the pic of my salad again).

so glad the week is half over- just got to get through 2 more days :D hopefully next week i'm scheduled for more nutrition stuff (although the lecture tonight was really good, but i felt like i was in school all over again trying to learn about all these hormones and nature vs. nurture). gotta get my thinking cap on! have a good night, as usual, my night is ending wayyyyy early.

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