Saturday, 26 May 2012

day 1

i made it! i'm settled in my room w/ another intern (i'll call her GA) (another one arrives today- PA). i didn't try dinner last night b/c i had been snacking on the drive up, but breakfast this morning was a selection of yogurt, cereal (gluten free), this flaxseed thing and nut butters w/ fruit (can i tell you how excited i was when i found out that there was always fruit available! i'm saved! haha). 

this morning started w/ an early start (the sun rises right through my window at 5 am so i went through a short jog through town (and by a short jog, i mean i hit the end of town in about 20 min and then turned back around). our building faces okemo mountains (i'll get a pic soon! and hopefully hike it soon too)
mt view! the mountains here are so pretty! i can't wait to go hiking. 
grocery shopping at shaw's. jumbo marshmallows! 100 calories each
these would be amazinggggg for s'mores. and yes, i know i have small hands, but i'm telling you, these things are enormous!
first day and already exploring town:D they sell 8 oz coffee cups here which are perfectttt for me since i drink so slow and by the time i get to the 2nd part of a typical small it's cold and gross. i think w/ these 5 am starts caffeine will be a must.

had lunch today at gm, i was warned that all the greens and food would make my gassy, haha, much appreciated warning. so now it won't be quite as awk in the room.

headed into rutland with GA to see a matinee (rutland is the closest city w/ a movie theatre) of the avengers (awesome movie! i'm so excited for some summer movies this year- spiderman, batman, snow white and the huntsman just to name the ones i can remember so far). i forgot my camera but parts of rutland look like they are getting spiffy (although GA says going through the walmart will be worse than people of walmart, but i guess i'll find out sometime this summer).

PA goes to UMD and it took us coming all the way up to VT to meet each other, funny how the world works. 

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